Our Academic Partners are the Key to our Success
We work closely with education and commercial organisations to extend and enhance opportunities for students and organisations in the UK and globally. Our main goal is to connect people worldwide with opportunities and build mutually beneficial relationships between the UK and other countries. By doing so, we also contribute to the UK’s international development strategy by working with leading organisations, including governments, donors, business and social enterprises, in number of countries. Our School partnerships offers a significant potential for supporting teachers and senior leaders to enhance pupil development and attainment through developing a broad and balanced curriculum and offering unique educational opportunities through international cultural exchanges and collaborations.
Given the UK’s rich cultural heritage, international standing and the multicultural demographics, education system in UK has always been the most recognised within in the international students’ communities. At a time when Britain is re-evaluating its position on the world stage, it has never been more important to help our pupils be open to the world and to broaden their horizons. As teachers, educational leaders and parents, it is vital that we allow the values of internationalism to inform our practice. We believe every young person should have intercultural and international experience.
Why do you want to partner with us?
Kingston Study Centre (KSC) is a major provider of English School Integration Programmes and school group travel services for students from all over the world. We have been connecting students and offering unforgettable experiences for more than 10 years. By partnering with KSC, your institution will benefit from our long experience of collaborative working. We can create opportunities for schools and teachers in the UK and worldwide to connect and work together to share ideas and practices. We strongly believe that tomorrow’s global citizens need a globally focused education today. Exposure to diverse individuals, ideas and resources is critical to education and development.
As schools prepare pupils to engage with a global economy and live in a global society, educators and students need to be comfortable with other cultures. This means having knowledge of foreign languages, understanding the issues faced by people in other countries and understanding that we may find global solutions for issues faced in this country. Our integration programmes can raise international awareness in your pupils and make them gain the vital skills and abilities to connect with people globally.

Our Partnership
A great school partnership is one that is sustainable, not (entirely) funding led, well managed, motivates staff and pupils alike, is supported by senior management, involves the wider school community, is integrated in the curriculum, strategically planned, addresses global issues and contributes to key competence development of teachers and pupils. Our integration programmes are designed to help your school to create and implement strong programmes and to provide your pupils authentic cultural exposures. We have many years of experiences in working with may schools and academic institutions throughout the UK. Therefore, we clearly understand the needs of your own school and what we can offer you through our partnership.

We Understand You
From our experience, we know many schools worry about fitting the demands of an international partnership into an already overcrowded curriculum. However, at our school, we have used our international exchange work to add depth and value to your curriculum by embedding it in what you do every day. We have seen how international exchanges can help the students to be motivated and giving them real audience for their work and enabling them to develop self-esteem and confidence through communicating with other students and peers. International links can put lessons and world events into context. It can also be very beneficial for staff, allowing teachers to share experiences, learn new practices and also reflect on their own practice. By providing teachers, students and school leadership teams with the opportunity to collaborate at a national and international level, innovative responses to the changing demands placed on the modern school can be created.
If you are considering of partnering with us, the first step is to complete the prospective partnership form in as much detail as possible. This will help us to assess the synergy between our institutions and whether the type of collaboration your institution wants is viable. We will then contact you to discuss the proposal in more detail and outline the next steps in the process.
Kingston Study Centre
Partner With Us
Special Programmes
UK Centre
Kingston Study Centre
Causeway House
13, The Causeway
TW11 0JR
TW11 0JR
Tel: +44(0) 203 908 5634
International Centre
Kingston Study Centre
Aly, 54 Ln, 118 Sec. 2
Heping E. Rd
Da'an Dist
Taipei City 106,
Tel: +886(0) 966 796336
+886(0)2 2738 8750
© Kingston Study Centre.
Reg No: 07071027, KINGSTON STUDY CENTRE LTD, 13, The Causeway, Teddington, TW11 0JR